How to Write an Ode: Ode to Poetry

There is something about writing an ode that makes me feel silly. I suppose it’s because the dramatic flair of the form forces this introvert to go all “theatrical.” It pushes me far from my comfort zone. With that said, today, I’m sharing a bit more about this ancient poetry form as well as an ode I wrote this week.

Photo curtesy for Annie Spratt

What is an ode?

An ode is a poem of praise! A poetic form to celebrate and express strong feelings for an event, thing, or person NOT present. Often the subject is something wacky, like a rock, a mop, or an urn.

With its roots in ancient Greece, Odes are formal in structure and rhyme scheme. Because of its origin and strict rules, odes can feel a bit “old fashioned.” But don’t worry! There are three types of odes and with one (the irregular ode) we get to throw many of the rules out the window and just have fun!

  • HORATION ODE: One stanza pattern repeated throughout the poem. The most popular of odes. Example Here.
  • PINDARIC ODE: Originally performed with a chorus and dancers. This ode has strict rules containing a formal opening, a complex metrical structure, and a final closing section differing from that of the rest of the poem. Example Here.
  • IRREGULAR ODE: A loosey-goosey take on an ode where structure and/or rhyme are abandoned. This is my favorite of the odes because there are fewer rules. 🙂 Example Here.

basic rules for all odes

  1. Pick a subject: a thing or a place.
  2. Choose a title (ie: Ode to Orange)
  3. Give your subject praise or thanks. (Oh, orange so round!)
  4. Speak directly to the object.
  5. Write in rhyme. (Unless you are writing an irregular ode, then either works)
  6. Be dramatic! Be theatrical!
  7. Use verbs to bring that subject to life.
  8. Use vivid adjectives to describe your subject.
  9. Use repetition (single words or entire lines).

i gave an IRREGULAR (RHYMING) ode a try

Since an ode is meant to celebrate and appreciate the things we often don’t shine a light on, I chose the subject of poetry because poetry has always had a place in my heart. Please stand by while I don my costume and take the stage…. 🙂


Oh, poetry, sweet poetry!
I've loved you madly for ages.
You pull at my tender heartstrings
when leaping at me from your pages.

Where did you get that simile?
Oh, your couplet is divine.
Your rosy-cheeked meter and rhythm—
Oh, it moves me every time.

Sometimes, you're three little lines,
when you're dressed in a brief haiku.
Sometimes your lines fill a full page,
when only a villanelle will do.

An acrostic, ode, or triversen,
any form your stanzas may wear,
When I'm down and I need a friend,
you, with your imagery are there.

You lift my spirits. You make me smile.
You are the constant in my life that I crave.
Yes, poetry, I’ll shout it to the world!
Oh, poetry, sweet poetry, I rave!

by Danna Smith ©2024 at
All rights reserved


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