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This and That (Spring)

One fall I went walking with a friend on a nearby trail, the colorful leaves crunching beneath our sneakers. We were talking about the russet beauty all around us, pointing out this and that as we went along. I thought a poem, in the form of “This and That” would be a fun challenge and it played on my mind as we walked. So, I went home and wrote this fall poem. And then I wrote a winter This and That. Now, spring has sprung and so has a new poem in this fun form!

This unique version of a This and That poem with distinct rules and irreverent English was created by poet and children’s author Danna Smith in 2020 on her blog, The rules are simple:

It’s the combination of creative sentences and imagery that makes this type of poem such fun to write (and read!). The This and That format works for any occasion. Think new baby, engagement, birthday, wedding, illness, gardening…you name it.


In the meantime, I hope you’ll try this form and share your poem or comments below (scroll way down).

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